出版社:Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas
摘要:The demand for quality has become a major concern in university education. The widespread implantation of quality assessment systems suggests the need for persons working in this area to have a standardised ‘language’ at their disposal. The use of controlled vocabularies for standardising terms and aiding access to information may be beneficial in this respect. This might help solve a growing problem in the field of quality assessment and management in higher education: terminological dispersion and the scant control of specialized vocabulary. The final aim of this work is the production of a documental tool for solving the problems arising from the representation of information and its recovery, and which improves the processing and transfer of specialized information. The present objective was to integrate the needs and expectations of different stakeholders by developing a microthesaurus for experts working in assessment and quality in higher education.
关键词:University quality;European Higher Education Area;microthesaurus;Tesqual;Calidad universitaria;Espacio Europeo de Educación Superior;microtesauro;Tesqual