摘要:In Finland, Continuing Professional Development (CPD) is voluntary with an ethical and legal obligation for physicians. As medical knowledge is expanding and health care delivery becoming more complex, there is a need to promote physicians’ continuing professional development throughout their careers. The Taitoni-platform is a personal web tool designed to manage and support physicians’ CPD through both formal and informal learning activities. The tool is accompanied by and linked to an interactive national Continuing Medical Education (CME) calendar and contains data of individual qualifi cations and workplace history. Platform use and usability are being tested at Helsinki Health Centre. The users included both general practitioners and hospital specialists. In the future, Taitoni may provide data for a possible national revalidation process.Keywords: competence, continuing medical education, telephony(Published: 4 December 2012)DOI: 10.3109/21614083.2012.747440
关键词:competence , continuing medical education , telephony