期刊名称:Journal of Natural and Environmental Sciences
出版社:Journal of Natural and Environmental Sciences
摘要:Spatial resolution of soil datasets used in watershed modeling is known to affect simulated hydrological response. Two databases, the Soil Survey Geographic (SSURGO) and the State Soil Geographic (STATSGO) databases, provide publicly available soil datasets for hydrologic modeling of watersheds. A study in the Black Kettle Creek Watershed in Kansas for three model setups built with different soil representations within the Soil and Water Assessment Tool (SWAT) model: STATSGO, SSURGO, and an additional soil dataset (HYBRID) using STATSGO soils data but SSURGO spatial distribution. The SSURGO-ArcSWAT utility was used to facilitate development of detailed soil data for SWAT modeling projects. The STATSGO model produced the greatest surface runoff and streamflows among the three models, especially during higher-rainfall events, due to overrepresentation of hydrologic group C and D soils. The SSURGO model produced the best calibration statistics, and exhibited the least flashy surface runoff behavior. The HYBRID model exhibited lower percentage bias and improved Nash-Sutcliffe model efficiency compared to the STATSGO model, which was attributed to increased spatial resolution of hydrologic response units (HRUs) inherited from the SSURGO soil dataset. Benefits of using SSURGO soil dataset were demonstrated to come from both greater resolution of soil property data and a greater number of HRUs.