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  • 标题:A Comparative Study on the Effects of Core and Peripheral Teaching on Iranian EFL Learners’ Writing Skill in Conventional and Cyber Environments
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  • 作者:Seyyed Mohammad Reza Yousefi Far ; Abdolreza Pazhakh
  • 期刊名称:Studies in Literature and Language
  • 印刷版ISSN:1923-1555
  • 电子版ISSN:1923-1563
  • 出版年度:2012
  • 卷号:4
  • 期号:2
  • 页码:83-88
  • DOI:10.3968/j.sll.1923156320120402.099
  • 语种:English
  • 出版社:Canadian Academy of Oriental and Occidental Culture
  • 摘要:This study aimed to find outthe effects of core and peripheral teaching on Iranian EFL learners’ writing skills in conventional and cyber environments. After administrating a Nelson (Fowler and Coe, 1976) test, a group of 160 homogeneous students at language institute were selected from a total population of 200 at the intermediate level in Dehdasht, Kohgiloyeh & Boyer Ahmad province, Iran. Then, they were randomly assigned to control and experimental groups and each into subgroups. While experimental sub-group A was assigned to physical (conventional) environment and received instructions regarding core and peripheral teaching, experimental sub-group B was assigned to cyber environment and received instructions regarding core and peripheral teaching. One sub-control group was assigned to physical environment and received no instruction, while the other control subgroup was assigned cyber environment. A T-test was conducted to compare the subjects’ means and to determine the effect of core and peripheral teaching. The results depicted that peripheral teaching in both physical and cyber environments had a significant effect on improving Iranian EFL learners’ writing skills, (P<.05).Key words: Core teaching; Peripheral teaching; Conventional environment; Cyber environments
  • 关键词:Core teaching; Peripheral teaching; Conventional environment; Cyber environments