出版社:Canadian Academy of Oriental and Occidental Culture
摘要:This paper appraised the implementation process of Koha Integrated Library Management Software (ILMS) at the Babcock University (B.U.) Library, Nigeria. The software installation, data entry and data migration were successfully done and usage of the software began instantly. This study adopted a survey design using questionnaire as the instrument for gathering of data. It enumerates the experiences of B.U. Library in the implementation of Koha ILS using a total of 17 librarians and 24 technical staff that were part of the implementation program to illicit information. It explains strategies towards efficient migration of data from X-Lib to Koha, and elements responsible for adequate utilization of ILS. Analysis of data was only on challenges to the implementation program and strategies for successful implementation of Koha. This research was a result of the experiences of B.U. Library documented to support libraries. The software continues to receive improvement and upgrade by the user community worldwide. However, this research only describes the progress made and challenges faced on the implementation from June 2010. This research established no major problem since the implementation of the software at Babcock University Library. Library staff and majority of the library users have commended the decision of the University Library for installing dynamic software like Koha. Finding on Table 1 revealed that erratic power supply and insufficient manpower were bane for the smooth running of the software. It was also established on table 2 that ILS be incorporated as a course to be taught in the department of Information Resources Management (IRM) of Babcock University in order to train people who will manage the software. Moreover, 100% of the respondents agreed that seminars and workshops be organized. In addition, an effective collaboration between the ICT unit and the University Library was also seen as an advantage. This work was based on facts and experiences gathered before and during the implementation period. It elaborates the basics and suggests steps toward successful implementation of ILS. It is intended to serve as stepping stone for libraries especially in Nigeria that are in dare need to implement automation software.Key word: Koha; Data migration; Library automation; Integrated library software; Babcock University; Open source; ICT
关键词:Koha; Data migration; Library automation; Integrated library software; Babcock University; Open source; ICT