摘要:http://dx.doi.org/10.5007/1980-4237.2014n15p171Caius Plinius Caecilius Secundus, ou Plinius Minor, Plínio o Jovem (ca.61-114) foi orador, poeta, jurista, político e governador da Bitínia, na Ásia Menor. É mais conhecido como escritor, sobretudo por seu epistolário, um conjunto de 368 cartas, que forma dez livros, nas quais revela detalhes de sua vida em Roma e no campo, as palestras públicas, os literatos, a leitura e a vida social da época. Redigiu suas cartas para serem publicadas, e cada uma aborda geralmente um único tema. Plínio não produziu nenhuma longa ou sistemática reflexão sobre tradução. Sua opinião a respeito, representativa de toda a época clássica, de Cícero a Quintiliano, encontra-se em grande parte numa carta endereçada a um advogado, Fuscus Salinator. A carta (VII, 9), escrita provavelmente na primeira década do século II, é uma resposta ao jovem que lhe solicitava conselhos sobre como desenvolver suas habilidades oratórias mediante exercícios a seguir durante uma estadia no campo. Dentre várias atividades recomendadas, a tradução é referida em primeiro lugar.ABSTRACTCaius Plinius Caecilius Secundus, or Pliny the Younger (ca.61-114), was a speaker, poet, jurist, politician and governor of Bithynia, in Asia Minor. He is better known as a writer of 368 letters, published in ten volumes, in which he reveals details of his life, both in Rome and in the countryside, public lectures and readings, as well as of the literary figures and social life of his time. He wrote his letters with the intention to have them published and each one usually covered a single topic. Pliny did not produce any lengthy or systematic reflection on translation. His opinions on the topic, representative of the entire classical era, from Cicero to Quintilian, can largely be found in a letter he wrote to Fuscus Salinator, a lawyer. The letter (VII, 9), probably written in the first decade of the 2nd century, is a response to the young lawyer who asked for advice on how to develop his oratorical skills through exercises during a sojourn in the countryside. Among the various recommended activities, translation is the first to be mentioned.Keywords: Translation studies; Translation in antiquity; Plinius Minor; Epistulae
其他摘要:Caius Plinius Caecilius Secundus, or Pliny the Younger (ca.61-114), was a speaker, poet, jurist, politician and governor of Bithynia, in Asia Minor. He is better known as a writer of 368 letters, published in ten volumes, in which he reveals details of his life, both in Rome and in the countryside, public lectures and readings, as well as of the literary figures and social life of his time. He wrote his letters with the intention to have them published and each one usually covered a single topic. Pliny did not produce any lengthy or systematic reflection on translation. His opinions on the topic, representative of the entire classical era, from Cicero to Quintilian, can largely be found in a letter he wrote to Fuscus Salinator, a lawyer. The letter (VII, 9), probably written in the first decade of the 2nd century, is a response to the young lawyer who asked for advice on how to develop his oratorical skills through exercises during a sojourn in the countryside. Among the various recommended activities, translation is the first to be mentioned.
关键词:Estudos da Tradução; História da Tradução;Estudos da Tradução; Tradução na Antiguidade; Plinius Minor; Epistulae
其他关键词:Translation Studies; History of translations;Translation studies; Translation in antiquity; Plinius Minor; Epistulae