摘要:Due to the constraints of parental work schedules, the institutional and social opportunities in minding and caring for young children have grown. This has led sociologists to redefine the 'ages' of early childhood. These are 0-2, the crèche, 2-3 the kindergarten and from three years, play school. To this must be added home care with a child-minder for wealthier classes. Based on interviews with parents, E. Plaisance shows that those involved put freedom of choice first (even when the choices are rare) and the weight of evidence underlines that the solution arrived at was the best for them and their child. But the responses also show that they try to inform themselves by ways that favour word of mouth and give room for rumour and hearsay. The 'choice' of those involved is constrained, but as if to reassure themselves and to show that they are assuming their responsibility, they willingly describe it as 'free'. Key words : Custody and Education of Young Children; Parents’ choice; Survey by interviews; Rumor spreading – Word of mouth. See also the translation of this article for the Portuguese language in the same issue.