标题:A percepção de encarregados de educação e de professores sobre a relação escola-família nas escolas dos 2º e 3º ciclos de um Concelho da região centro de Portugal
摘要:DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.14244/19827199785 The quality of the relationship between school and family is appointed by the theories and models of development as a relevant factor for the harmonious development of children, adolescents and youth, and it is reported by multiple national and international studies as being decisive regarding the level of academic and educational performance. The knowledge and acceptance of this strong and positive correlation is consensual. However, reality shows a different side as it continues to prove that the achievement of this cooperative relationship is of great complexity. This article presents the most relevant results of a study conducted within a doctoral dissertation at the University of Granada , which aimed to characterize the participation and involvement of families in the elementary schools of a municipality in the central region of Portugal, through the perception of parents and teachers who perform class management functions. The data obtained through questionnaires and interviews reveal a clear and widespread perception about the great benefits of family involvement in the school life of their children, but emphasize the existence of bilateral difficulties in its achieving. Keywords: School, Family participation, Parental involvement, School-family relationship.