摘要:AWI, F. Filho teu não foge à luta: como os lutadores brasileiros transformaram o MMA em um fenômeno mundial. Rio de Janeiro: Intrínseca, 2012. Como os lutadores brasileiros tornaram o MMA , em um fenômeno mundial. Conta a história da criação do mma, o esporte que mais cresce no mundo. Desde seu surgimento através dos confrontos de Vale Tudo feitos pela Família Gracie, até os dias atuais. O livro foi elaborado a partir de relatos dos personagens que fizeram parte dessa história. E mostra como o Vale Tudo foi modificado para se tornar um esporte que move milhões em dinheiro e cria atletas que hoje praticam o MMA no mundo todo.
其他摘要:A review of book "Filho teu não foge à luta:como lutadores brasileiros transformaram o MMA emum fenômeno mundial" is about of MMA ( Mixed MartialArts), written by journalist Fellipe Awi (2012). Theauthor writes the history of the sport from the point ofthe creation of Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu and the fighterspromoted by Gracie Family in the beginning of lastcentury. Showing the superiority of this fight/art, theauthor argues that developed of these techniques aretaken from Japanese martial art called Jujutsu. Thewell-known fights in the past named "Vale-Tudo" andthe necessary changes to make MMA less violent arethe reasons for the audience interest in this fight inauthor opinion. In addition of that, some of the mostimportant MMA characters are part of the booknarrative, showing how difficult was in the begging tomake MMA become a sport with rules and penaltiesaccepted for all federations. Some critics are made bythe reviewers and they are included in the book review.Specif ic author information's are different fromreviewer's references. Awi also tells the main role ofBrazilian fighters. Their travelling around the world,mainly to USA and the spread of fighters clubs in thiscountry. The book review tells the stories narrated bythe author, with reports of famous characters fromthe world of fighting and took part in the creation ofsporting phenomenon that is among the fastest growingand well successful in the world.
关键词:Lutas;História das Lutas no Brasil;Mixed Martial Arts (MMA). Fighters. Sports;Mixed Martial Arts (MMA). Luchadores. Deporte.