摘要:This article presents some ethnoecological aspects of the fishing activity in Riozinho do Anfrísio Extractive Reserve, a protected area (PA) located in the municipality of Altamira, State of Pará, Brazil. This PA was created in 2004 through a joint initiative of the riverines and Transamazonian Highway and Xingu social movements. Fishing is one of the most important productive activities in this extractive reserve. By using ethnoecological methods this study addresses the cosmologies and the knowledge related to the use of fish for subsistence and commercial purposes. Our results showed that the riverine people demonstrate a high level of knowledge regarding their ecosystems and the fish biodiversity, which must be considered part of the local biocultural heritage. This knowledge must be also integrated in the conservation strategies taken place in that region. Keywords : Fishing, ethnoecology, Terra do Meio, Brazilian Amazon.