摘要:Straipsnyje yra atskleidžiamos galimybės naudoti konkurencingumo koncepciją kaip regiono plėtros siekinį. Nurodomi pagrindiniai konkurencingumo, kaip regiono gebos sukurti palankesnes negu kiti regionai ekonominės veiklos ir žmonių gyvenimo sąlygas, ypatumai, į kuriuos, kurdama strateginius plėtros planus, regiono administracija turi atkreipti dėmesį. Aptariami pagrindiniai įmonių, valstybių ir teritorinių vienetų (regionų) konkurencingumo koncepcijų skirtumai, atskleidžiamas konkurencingumo kaip tam tikros regiono savybės kompleksiškumas. Atkreipiamas dėmesys į tai, kad yra gana įvairių požiūrių į regiono konkurencingumą ir dėl šiuo metu strateginiame plėtros planavime dominuojančios regiono sanglaudos paradigmos transformacijos konkurencingumas tampa svarbiu regiono plėtros siekiniu. DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.5755/j01.ppaa.12.3.4008
其他摘要:Possibilities to use competitiveness concept as the aim of regional development are revealed in the article and main competitiveness (as the ability of region to create more favourable conditions of economic activity and people‘s life in comparison with oter regions) features which have to be taken into consideration by administration of the region while creating strategic development plans are indicated. Main differences between competitiveness concepts of enterprises, countries and territorial units (regions) are indicated and complexity of competitiveness as particular feature of the region is revealed. It is noticed that wide enough spectrum of opinions according competitiveness of region exists and such situation indicates attempts to know the phenomenon of competitiveness and use this knowledge diverting development of region in desirable direction, i.e. declareing competitiveness as the aim (goal) of regional development. It is stated that this idea recently becomes increasingly popular and due to transformation of regional cohesion paradigm which dominated in management of regional development process for a long time and application of primal version of which raises the classic dilemma of regional development aims – equality or competitiveness. DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.5755/j01.ppaa.12.3.4008
关键词:regiono konkurencingumas; plėtra; plėtros siekinys; regiono geba
其他关键词:competitiveness of region; development; objective of development; ability of region