标题:Os textos como formas constitutivas do saber. Sobre algumas hipóteses para uma fundamentação da lingüística de texto à base de uma teoria evolucionária
出版社:Faculdade de Letras da Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais
摘要:The evolution of socially formed knowledge with its cultural,historical and functional multiplicity would not have been possiblewithout the production, distribution and reception of texts. Nearlyall declarative knowledge of modern societies is text based. Textsrepresent essential resources of the individual and social constitutionof knowledge. Moreover, the complex forms of textual organizationhave the tendency to be selective and reproductive. Texts, therefore,are means to fight cognitive entropy; they are resources that temporarily stop or reverse potential disorder. For that reason, it ispossible to resort to evolutionary principles that explain culturaldevelopment. The premises sketched here will be unfolded andcommented on through 12 hypotheses, which lead to the conclusionthat texts surpass all other linguistic forms in terms of structure,flexibility and complexity and that their historical character shouldenter the center of an evolution-based theory of text linguistics.