摘要:This article aims at studying the laryngeal fricative that arises as one of the variants of the/S/ in coda position in Portuguese language under the perspective of Linguistic Variation Theoryand under the perspective of Syllable Theory. The corpus, part of the data bank of Varsul Project,embraces 100 informants from three diferent regions of Florianóplis, Santa Catarina (Barra daLagoa, Ribeirão da Ilha e Florianópolis, the urban area). The linguistic variables that regulate thevariant under study are the preceding context, the following context, stress and the position of thesegment in the word. A relation of opposition concerning the environments of conditioning isestablished with another variant of /S/ in coda position, the palatoalveolar fricative. The socialvariable Age demonstrated to be statistically significant and pointed to a situation of stable variation