标题:Sosok Calon Legislatif Lokal dalam Iklan-Iklan Politik (Kajian semiotika terhadap Iklan-Iklan Politik Calon Legislatif Lokal di Media Massa Cetak Lokal Jawa Tengah)
摘要:: Political advertising are not different to product promotion, in which both are trying to sell something to specific consumers. Political advertising seems more complex than product advertising or public service advertising. It can reach several targets in the same time such as increasing candidate’s popularity, convincing voters who are still confused to make choices, gaining supports, attacking rivals and opponents, explaining the vision and mission, and maintaining the image of the candidate. Generally, personal advertising for legislative candidate has simple character although in some cases it is presented in complicated way. Most of the personal advertising contains promise of party and candidate that is presented excessively, but it has poor data quality and fails to provide verification efforts. Even if there is an evidence, it is sometimes too complicated to be understood and often arise debates.