摘要:Lietuvos tautinės mokyklos koncepcijoje nurodoma, kad pagrindinis Lietuvos švietimo tikslas – laiduoti kuo visapusiškesnę žmogaus fizinių, psichologinių ir dvasinių galių plėtotę, sudaryti sąlygas jo individualybei atsiskleisti. Mano dėstomas dalykas – ekonomikos teorija. Su ekonomikos klausimais susiduriame kas dieną visose gyvenimo srityse. Todėl mano tikslas yra supažindinti kolegijos studentus, nestudijuojančius ekonomikos, su ekonomikos pagrindais, ugdyti ekonominį mąstymą ir raštingumą. Daugiausia dėmesio skiria ekonominėms sąvokoms apibūdinti ir joms praktiškai vartoti. Ekonomikos negalima išmokti stebint, reikia dirbti, analizuoti, atlikti praktines užduotis, ieškoti teisingų atsakymų.Straipsnis lietuvių kalba
其他摘要:It has been stated in Lithuania‘s National School Concept that the primary goal of the education of Lithuania is to secure the best possible comprehensive development of physical, psychological and spiritual human powers, to create conditions for the unfolding of the personal individuality. The subject of my teaching is economic theory. We face economic questions every day and in all areas of life. Therefore, my purpose is to acquaint college students, who do not study economics, with economic basics, to develop economic thinking and literacy. Greatest attention is paid to describe economic concepts and to use them in practice. Economics can not be learned through observing, one must work, analyse, solve practical exercises, search for correct answers. The purpose of the article is to assess the students‘ approach to the relevance of the subjects of economics. It is sought to identify the possibilities of applying new methods for teaching economic subjects and of selecting a teaching method in accordance with the students‘ level of preparation. The assessment of the research carried out enables to conclude that teaching economics forms students‘ capacities of a wide range, stimulates their self-expression, prepares young people to work in market conditions.The following methods of the research have been employed: pedagogic observation, questionnaire (survey), analysis of scientific literature and generalization.Article in Lithuanian
关键词:paskaita; diskusija; dėstymas ir mokymas; pasirengimas
其他关键词:lecture; discussion; reading lectures and teaching; preparation