摘要:Paradox of economic boundaries and ways of its disappearance in the global world are analyzed in the article. On the one hand, the word “global” is defined as “world-wide”, “including the whole world”, “all-inclusive”, “being comprehensive” etc. Globalization is recognized as the whole complex of interrelated processes occurring world-wide. It means that reference to some kind of boundaries (or borders) in the era of globalization is at the minimum not scientific. On the other hand, it is evident that it is really difficult to find events or processes which could be defined as including the whole world. The global nature of banking services or the Internet is much spoken about. Nevertheless, comparing the occurrence of these in developed countries and, for example, in some African countries, the difference would be so distinct that it would be impossible to refer to the occurrences mentioned as “all-inclusive”. This means that there exist boundaries separating regions with differing intensity of various “global” occurrences. Question, what is the nature and consequences of economic boundaries in contemporary world and how economic subjects behave under such conditions is discussed in this paper. The task of paper is: - to reveal the content of the concept “economic border”, the nature of the economic boundaries and the reasons of their changes in the modern world; - to establish the relation between legal acts (agreements) and the role of market mechanisms in the evolution of economic boundaries. - to illustrate disappearance of economic boundaries of Lithuania in the last two decades period. The methods of the analysis of scientific literature, legal acts, and statistical data as well as the methods of synthesis of the information thus accumulated are used in this paper. The nature of economic boundaries in the globalization era is discussed and the definition is offered in the first part: economic boundary is the one beyond which other conditions of activity prevail, or such activity is not possible at all. The economic boundary presently is more political rather than an economic concept. Formation of international administrative structures and activity of international corporations as two ways of disappearance analysis of economic boundaries are introduced in the second part. Changes of directions and volumes of Lithuanian foreign trade during last two decades as examples of disappearance of Lithuania’s economic boundaries are presented in the third part. Those changes are named as the proof of Lithuania’s economy as the whole and its subject’s (enterprises) ability to react to the changes caused by integration processes in the conclusions. DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.5755/j01.eis.0.6.1604