摘要:The study aims to determine the relationship between positive thinkingwith self-esteem in women with premenopausal period.Subjects werepremenopausal women who ages between 40-50 years old.The studyused quantitative methods.This study used scale to get the data, namelyScale Positive Thinking and Self-Esteem Scale.The result showed asignificant coefficient correlation with r = 0.465.Positive thinking has about21.6% explaining effect on the dependent variables and 78.4% influencesby other factors.Majority participants in this study have medium level ofesteem and positive thinking.Based on the result study, it can be concludedthat there was a significant relationship between positive thinking with self-esteem in women who experienced a period of premenopausal.The higherpositive thinking conducted by participant the higher their self-esteem, andvice versa.
关键词:berpikir positif; harga diri; masa premenopause