出版社:Naturfagsenteret i samarbeid med Universitetet i Umeå
摘要:This article reports from a computer-based assessment of scientific literacy. The study was implemented in Norway in the period from March to June 2005 by the use of 6 carry-in laptops. In total, 315 15-year old students participated. All students did a one hour paper-based test and a one-hour computerbased test. In addition to the cognitive response data, also behavioural data were recorded from the computer-based test. The results show no statistically significant gender difference for the paper-based test, while a substantial gender difference in favour of boys is established for the computer-based test. The PC test seems to favour boys because of the lower reading load. Boys also express higher motivation and larger preference for doing the test on PC compared to on paper. The behavioural data show that boys make more active use of the multimedia elements in the PC test than the girls do.