出版社:Naturfagsenteret i samarbeid med Universitetet i Umeå
摘要:TIMSS Advanced 2008 is an international comparative study, and deals with examining student achievement in mathematics and physics in the final year at upper secondary school. The theme of this article is to look at how Norwegian and Swedish students performed in physics in 2008 compared to the study conducted in 1995. The results from the TIMSS Advanced study provide an unambiguous picture. There is a significant decline in the performance in physics since the previous study in 1995 for both Norwegian and Swedish students. One important reason is related to the generally low level of results in science and mathematics at all levels in schools as shown by the downward trend for students in lower grades. The decline in physics performance can thus be explained by the fact that students with significantly weaker skills than before in mathematics and science come into upper secondary school. Lack of knowledge of basic arithmetic and algebra seems to be a contributing factor for this downwards trend in physics at upper secondary school level.