出版社:Nepal Food Scientists and Technologists Association (NEFOSTA)
摘要:Fruit juices are common man’s beverages and sold at public places. Since they are known for carrying heavy microbial load, the present investigation was undertaken to enumerate and identify the microorganisms in fruit juices (sweet lime, orange and pineapple) selected from three different street vended shops (source A, B and C) in Mysore. The juices were analyzed for the microbial quality for type of organisms and number of colonies by serial dilution technique, pour plate method,gram’s staining method and staining for fungi; and physico-chemical properties. Results showed that the pineapple juice from two sources was highly contaminated with bacterial pathogens (25×104CFU/mland 20×104CFU/ml). All samples were contaminated with faecal streptococci. In source-B and C, all juices showed high counts of fungal colonies (Aspergillus, Penicillium, Fusarium and yeast). It is contended that contamination was mainly due to poor quality of water used for dilution as well as prevailing unhygienic conditions related to washing of utensils and maintenance of the premises. The result showed the poor hygienic quality of street vended fruit juices and the possible risk to the consumers. DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.3126/jfstn.v8i0.11746 J. Food Sci. Technol. Nepal, Vol. 8 (30-34), 2013