摘要:En aquest article s’examina l’expedició d’Haro a Extremadura, així com les seves implicacions per a la política internacional espanyola del moment. La llarga absència de D. Luis, el privat de Felip IV, de la cort fa que el monarca s’hi recolzi cada vegada menys i que comenci a deixar-se assessorar principalment per Balbases i Medina de las Torres. A més, l’estrepitosa derrota d’Elvas al gener del 1659 obliga el favorit del rei a tornar a Madrid totalment humiliat i evita que es torni a col·locar immediatament a la cúpula del poder. De fet, la debilitat de la seva posició és tan gran en aquesta època que Haro és incapaç d’impedir la ratificació del tractat negociat amb França a París malgrat estar convençut que es tracta d’un document indecorós i inacceptable. No obstant això, aprofita les seves converses amb Mazzarino als Pirineus per millorar notablement els termes de la pau i, a la vegada, recuperar plenament el seu paper com a preferit del rei.
其他摘要:This article examines the expedition undertaken by Haro – the favourite of King Philip IV – to Extremadura and its implications for Spanish foreign policy at the time. As a result of Haro’s long absence from court, Philip IV came to rely increasingly less on his favourite as he sought advice especially from Balbases and Medina de las Torres. Furthermore, the resounding defeat he suffered at Elvas in January of 1659 forced Haro to return to Madrid completely humiliated, thus preventing him from immediately regaining his former position within the circles of power. In fact, such was Haro’s weakness at this time that he was unable to block the ratification of the preliminary treaty negotiated with France in Paris despite his conviction that the agreement was indecorous and hence unacceptable. Nevertheless, he subsequently took advantage of his conversations with Mazarin in the Pyrenees to improve the final terms of the treaty and regain his position as favourite.
关键词:Luis Méndez de Haro;Badajoz;Elvas;tractat de París;tractat dels Pirineus;privança;Luis Méndez de Haro;Badajoz;Elvas;Paris Treaty;Treaty of the Pyrenees;favourite;Luis Méndez de Haro;Badajoz;Elvas;Tratado de París;Tratado de los Pirineos;valimiento
其他关键词:Luis Méndez de Haro; Badajoz; Elvas; Paris Treaty; Treaty of the Pyrenees; favourite