摘要:A multidimentional scaling study of personnel consultancy groups in South Africa. Ten 12x12 symetric dissimilarity matrices of inter personnel consultant comparisons were submitted to weigthed multidimensional scaling. Vector and ideal point models were used to relate preference and con- sultant attributes to the group stimulus space. Results indicate that the hypothetical ideal consultant differs significantly from existing consultancies and that there exists a partial incongruence between the attributes used spontaneously when comparing a number of consultancies and the critical consultant attributes identified in the literature. Recommendations for further research are made. Opsomming Tien 12x12 simmetriese dissimilariteitsmatrikse van interpersoneelkonsultante-beoordelings is onderwerp aan matriksgeweegde multidimensionele skating. Vektor n "ideal point" modelle is gebruik om voorkeur en konsultantattribute met die groepstimulusruimte in verband te bring. Resultate dui daarop dat die hipotetiese ideate konsultant betekenisvol verskil van bestaande konsultantaanbiedinge en dat daar 'n element van inkongruensie bestaan tussen die attribute wat spontaan na vore tree by onderlinge vergelyking van konsultantgroepe en die kritieke attribute soos deur die literatuur geidentifiseer. Aanbevelings vir verdere studie word gemaak.