摘要:Performance appraisal: a factor analytic validation study. The purpose of the study was to establish the validity of a general performance appraisal system through the application of factor analysis. It is found that the performance appraisal system to some extent do dispose a general validity, and that the three constructs involved (management ability, work ability, and ability to adapt) can be evaluated satisfactorily by the measuring instrument mentioned. Opsomming Die doel van die studie was die geldigheidsbepaling van 'n algemene prestasiebeoordelingstelsel deur die toepassing van faktorontleding. Daar is bevind dat die prestasiebeoordelingstelsel wel oor 'n aanvaarbare mate van algemene geldigheid beskik, veral sover dit konstrukgeldigheid aangaan, en dat die drie konstrukte, bestuurs-, werks- en aanpassingsvermoe, wel tot 'n bevredigende mate deur die betrokke meetinstrument geevalueer kan word.