摘要:The study of environmental economics is essential and is concerned to allocation of resources among alternative uses in such a way that there is an efficient reduction of the waste, discharged to the environment which causes an increase in welfare. Excessive exploitation of the natural resources brings negative changes in the environment mainly in ecological balance. Resources are essential for economic development but modernization, industrialization and some kinds of socio – cultural practices are degrading the natural environment. This article presents the way of the sustainable development and control of the environmental problem due to developmental activities. Some recommendations are made which may help to improve the environment, and slowdown the rising damage. Academic Voices, Vol. 2, No. 1, 2012, Pages 86-89 DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.3126/av.v2i1.8295
关键词:Economics; Economic Education;Natural resources; technology; environment; exploitation; degradation; pollution; development