摘要:La creación de un espacio europeo universitario en la Union Europea ha obligado a revisar los curricula de las distintas enseñanzas, y reorganizar sus contenidos. En psicología, hay que destacar los trabajos de la European Federation of Psychological Associations (EFPA) , asi como los de la Conferencia de Decanos de Facultades de Psicología, de España, que vienen elaborando sendas propuestas de plan de formación. En este contexto, el autor subraya la necesidad de conceder una mayor presencia a la formación práctica, sugiriendo la creación de un Centro de Psicología Aplicada unido a cada Facultad ; la necesidad de una mayor formación científica en los estudiantes que aspiran a cursar esta carrera, y la conveniencia de establecer estudios optativos que permitan a los psicólogos clínicos que lo deseen obtener licencia para prescribir tratamientos farmacológicos que apoyen sus terapias psicológicas.
其他摘要:The European Union has created a European educationalSpace, in which curricula and training plans have to maintain certain common traits. As a consequence, all its members have initiated a revision of curricula, to be ended in a few years. In the case of psychology, some interesting efforts have been made by EFPA and by the Spanish Conference of Deans of Psychology Faculties. In such a context, some proposals are made in this article, concerning the psychologist's curriculum. It emphasizes the need of a strong practical training of students, the creation of a Applied Center in each Faculty, and the requirement of a high school training oriented toward natural science, in all those students entering these faculties. It is a/so suggested the opportunity of introducing as an option those matters that would enable the psychologist to prescribe pharmacological drugs which will enhance his psychological clínical treatments.