摘要:En el presente artículo la autora parte de la constatación de la ausencia de las mujeres en el conocimiento escolar y, por tanto, la ausencia de sus contribuciones en el mundo de la ciencia, del arte, de la cultura que se consideran legítimas para ser transmitidas en la escuela. Sostiene que el saber de las mujeres está y ha estado en las escuelas, pero no ha sido valorado, no ha sido tomado en consideración y, por ello, se ha llegado a pensar que no existe, que sus saberes, su cultura, ha estado y esta ausente de las instituciones educativas. Es muy importante, por tanto, ser sensibles a la diferencia que existe entre el pensamiento dominante sobre la escuela y lo que un examen más atento nos permitiría ver. ________________________________________ In the present article the author begins with the determination of the absence of the women in the school knowledge and, therefore, the absence of their contributions in the world of the science, art, culture that it is considered legitimate for to be transmitted in the school. It maintains that the knowledge about women is and has been in the schools, but it has not been valued, it has not been taken in consideration and as a consequence of that it could be thought that it does not exist, that her knowledge and her culture has been and is absent of the educational instiuuions. It is very important, therefore, to be sensitive to the difference that exists among the dominant thought about the school and what an attentive exam would permit us to see into the school.