摘要:Summary Pattern matching is a fundamental machine vision problem that deals with searching an object in a comparatively large scene. It can use to solve many vision problems ranging from typical human detection to searching defective parts in industrial automation. This paper reports a fast pattern matching technique which makes use of cumulative subtraction and cumulative division operations based on Image Integral model. The idea is to use both the cumulative subtraction and division operations to evaluate the image values on a very small rectangular region of the image scene as well as on the input pattern to be searched for. Image values are transformed to Haar Projection Values (HPVs) using Haar transform in order to achieve pattern matching on sliding window of the image scene. Computation of HPV needs seven arithmetic operations, including two addition and five subtraction operations, which are found to be same as that of Image Integral technique. Besides, the proposed pattern matching technique is identified as computationally effective in terms of both time and memory.
关键词:Pattern matching; Haar transform; Image integral; Arithmetic operations;