出版社:Escola Brasileira de Administração Pública e de Empresas da Fundação Getulio Vargas
摘要:Neste meado da década de 80, o Brasil passa por importantes transformações políticas marcando o encerramento de um ciclo autoritário de alto preço social e político. Um balanço geral dessa experiência de mais de duas décadas mostra que permanecem sequelas em diversos campos de decisões contrárias aos interesses de ampla maioria da população. O patrimônio mineral congrega alguns desses interesses que serão analisados neste trabalho.
其他摘要:Mineral resources are natural goods to be put into service of humanity. Since they are non-renewable, by definition, their exploitation must be economical, because they do not belong on1y to the present generation but also to the future ones. Thus comes the need of public policies of' natural exploitation which may take into account certain criteria concerning the finitude of minerals, their strategic importance to the country, the respect to environment, the employed technology. Owing to the authoritarian cicle which the nation has just passed, it is necessary to purge the legislation from the accumulated vices; exposing the problem to the debate of civil society. This way the people will express what is to be reformulated in defense of their interest.