出版社:Escola Brasileira de Administração Pública e de Empresas da Fundação Getulio Vargas
摘要:O objetivo deste artigo é analisar a crise que atravessam as políticas sociais na América Latina, em especial com relação às políticas de saúde, bem como apontar as tendências que se delineiam para sua possível superação. Para isto, apresentamos inicialmente um quadro mais geral, no qual enfocamos os reflexos da crise econômica mundial nas economias latino-americanas, a evolução contraditória das políticas sociais no Cone Sul nos regimes populistas, e as transformações introduzidas pelos regimes burocrático-autoritários.
其他摘要:An analysis of the crisis faced by social policies in Latin America, particular1y as concerns health policies, constitutes the purpose of this study, which also intends to point out the trends already outlined with a view to a possible overcoming of said crisis. So, the artic1e starts with a highly comprehensive picture stressing the current economic crisis and its more dramatic repercussions on the peripheral countries, so conditioned as they are by their participation in the international economic order. The crisis faced by the political regimes, as well as the social policies of the Southern hemisphere - the Southern Cone - is then analyzed, and the author tries to identify the characteristic patterns which brought about the incorporation of social policies under populistic regimes and, later on, in the framework of bureaucratic-authoritarian ones. This analysis envisages to prove that the deterioration of social policies in those countries is in itself a combination of economic determinants deriving from the international crisis and of the redesigning of institutional mechanisms inherited from populism, a political necessity experienced by regimes of authority. The work ends with an effort to outline the movements of redemocratization which emerged in the aforementioned societies, and the consequences they conveyed for social policies in the present recessive conjucture.