标题:Government supporting schemes enhancing universityindustry knowledge transfer on the example of SPINNO program in Estonia. Teadusasutuste ja ettevõtete vahelise teadmussiirde riiklik soodustamine Eestis SPINNO programmi näitel
出版社:Mattimar OÜ and Berliner Wissenschafts-Verlag GmbH
摘要:The purpose of the study is to evaluate the relevance of the set-up (system of objectives, supported activities and measured indicators) of SPINNO program in facilitating university-industry knowledge transfer in Estonia since 2001 and make suggestions on its improvement. As the basis for the analyses the knowledge transfer support scheme formation and evaluation framework is composed, which is used in evaluation of SPINNO programme. The empirical analyses revealed that the program has not paid enough attention to the different aspects of sustainability of knowledge transfer functions. The evaluation of the SPINNO programme within its existence since 2001 indicated, that the gap between the aims, expectations and supported activities converged consistently. In the first and to lesser degree in the second SPINNO program period the concept was viewed by both, the programming institutions and applicants, as limited to technology transfer. By the third reporting period the importance of the support to the knowledge transfer as the precondition for technology transfer was acknowledged
关键词:knowledge transfer;knowledge-based economy;innovation policy;government support schemes;SPINNO program