摘要:Title: Theory and Praxis in the Danish Sector for Professional Bachelor Programmes. Abstract: The topic for this article is the relationship between theory and praxis as it is expressed in Danish educations for professions; professional bachelor educations. The article begins with reflections concerning, what generally characterize professions and the idea of professions. Then the topic is limited to concern the educations of the Danish University Colleges: Educations that result in a professional bachelor´s degree in for instance education, social education, physiotherapy and nursing. The article describes, analyses and discusses how theory – praxis relationship is understood in these educations and how this relationship potentially could be understood. Finally the article argues in favour of stating that the dominating idea that theoretical knowledge is inextricably attached to solve problems in practice, fruitfully could be challenged.
关键词:Theory and praxis;Body of knowledge and skills;Tertiary education;Semi-professions;Sector for professional bachelor programmes;Bachelor in Social Education.