Large-scale fields and inner-core processes relevant to the formation and intensification of Typhoon Fengshen (2008) were examined by simulations using a global nonhydrostatic model with a cloud-permitting resolution. Five runs were performed by varying the cloud microphysics or initial condition settings. In three out of five runs, a middle tropospheric trough developed within a few days following a large-scale latent heat release, which enabled the successive occurrence of deep convective events within the 50-km radius of the incipient disturbance and subsequent tropical cyclone (TC) formation. In the run initialized by altering the analysis dataset, collocation between latent heat release and the large-scale gyre was less evident, and neither the trough nor a TC developed. In the run with weaker latent heating in the lower troposphere, the trough was weak and TC formation was significantly delayed. These results indicate that the superposition of large-scale disturbances in the lower and middle troposphere and their linkage through convective enhancement played an important role in the genesis of Fengshen by preconditioning the establishment of a deep upright inner core.