摘要:Resumo Este trabalho analisa, a partir de informações referentes à migração de data-fixa dos Censos Demográficos de 1991 e 2000, os fluxos migratórios interestaduais na mesorregião Sul/Sudoeste de Minas Gerais, segundo as microrregiões de origem e destino nos qüinqüênios 1986/1991 e 1995/2000. Os dados revelam uma reversão dos saldos migratórios, de negativo para positivo, na mesorregião Sul/Sudoeste no período de 1995/2000 comparativamente ao qüinqüênio 1986/1991. Estas mudanças foram decisivas na reversão do papel de Minas Gerais no cenário migratório nacional. Os resultados sugerem que o processo de desconcentração espacial da população e de algumas atividades econômicas que vem ocorrendo nas regiões mais dinâmicas do país, aliada a localização geográfica, não só se transformou em vantagens estratégicas para a economia da mesorregião Sul/Sudoeste, mas também eleva seus poderes de retenção e atração populacional. Palavras-chave: Migração interestadual; Mesorregião, Sul/Sudoeste; Minas Gerais. South / South West miner in the reversal of interstate migration in Minas Gerais Abstract: This study examines, from informations about the migration of data-sets of Demographic Census of 1991 and 2000, migration flows in interstate mesoregion south / southwest of Minas Gerais, according to the microregions of origin and destination quinquennium in 1986/1991 and 1995 / 2000. The date shows a reversal of balances migration, from negative to positive in mesoregion South / South West in the 1995/2000 compared to 1986/1991. These changes were decisive in reversing the role of Minas Gerais in the national scenario of migration. The results suggest that the process of space decentralize of the population and some economic activities that has occurred in the most dynamic regions of the country, combined with geographical location, not only turned into strategic advantages for the economy of mesoregion South / South West, but also elevates his powers of attraction and retention population. Key-words: Interstate migration; Mesoregion, South/South West; Minas Gerais.
其他摘要:From information on the migration of data-sets of Demographic Census of 1991 and 2000 this study examines migration flows in interstate mesoregion south/southwest of Minas Gerais, according to the micro regions of origin and destination quinquennium in 1986/1991 and 1995 / 2000. The data show a reversal of balances migration, from negative to positive in mesoregion South/South West in the 1995/2000 compared to 1986/1991. These changes were decisive in reversing the role of Minas Gerais in the national migration scenario. The results suggest that the space decentralization process of the population and some economic activities that have occurred in the most dynamic regions of the country, combined with geographical location, not only turned into strategic advantages for the economy of mesoregion South / South West, but also elevated their power of attraction and retention population.