标题:La recuperación de los elementos de piedra en el patrimonio arquitectónico monumental: el caso del claustro del convento de la Asunción de Calatrava de Almagro (Ciudad Real)
出版社:Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas
摘要:The cloister of Asunción de Calatravas’ Convent is one of the most important examples of Renaissance in Ciudad Real province.This paper compiles the explanation and summary of the intervention process in the stone elements of the cloister, based on a theoretical research about the type of stones in the area of analysis and the building as well as the most suitable techniques to restore them.Once the latter where selected, their adequation and compatibility was checked by on site tests.The paper has as main aim to divulge the methodology and the intervention, as well as to create a forum of debate about the restoration techniques for similar cases of Renaissance Architectural Heritage.