出版社:Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas
摘要:The article deals about some foodstuffs which are peculiar of the Mediterranean area: nuts (almonds, hazelnuts, chestnuts, walnuts, pine-nuts) and dried fruits (figs, raisins, dates). Hazelnuts, almonds and pine-nuts were basic goods of exportation from Catalonia, Valencia and Majorca both to the East and to Flanders, while raisins and figs were exported specially to Italy and to England and Flanders. Walnuts and chestnuts had a shorter diffusion. Dates, produced in Elx, were also imported from Maghreb and often re-exported. While almonds could be found in the three countries, hazelnuts and pine-nuts were a Catalan product. Figs were dried in the three territories, though Valencia and Majorca produced a little more quantity. Raisins were a valencian speciality. The article is ilustrated with twenty-seven tables that demonstrate the trade of all these products, merchants, contracts, weights and measures.
关键词:foodstuffs;nuts;almonds;hazelnuts;chestnuts;walnuts;pine-nuts;dried fruits;figs;raisins;dates;trade;Mediterranean;Catalonia;Majorca;Valencia;Middle East;England;Flanders;Midle Ages;productes d'alimentació;fruita seca;ametlles;avellanes;castanyes;nous;pinyons;fruita assecada;figues;panses;dàtils;comerç;Catalunya;Valencia;Mallorca;Mediterrani;Llevant;Anglaterra;Flandes;Edat Mitjana