出版社:Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas
摘要:From the point of view of Landscape Archaeology we try to show the genealogy and development of a cultural landscape in a galician little village. Our research définies several spatial patterns built by the different societies which inhabited the area of San Pedro de Cereixa from the Recent Prehistory to nowdays. In the second part of our research we get inside the mental universe of the traditional peasant community who endowed this landscape with sense. This cosmovision is not a static model but a cultural product of a historical process that embraces a mixture of continuities and ruptures, popular believes and the imposition of a official religion and a civilization of customs by the Church
关键词:Landscape Archaeology;Ethnoarchaeology;Microhistory;Cultural Anthropology;Arqueoloxía da Paisaxe;Etnoarqueoloxia;Microhistoria;Antropoloxia Cultural;Historia das Mentalidades;Relixiosidade popular