标题:Las pilas del castro de Santa Mariña de Maside (Ourense ): hacia una tipología de los lugares con función ritual en la Edad del Hierro del NW de la Península Ibérica
出版社:Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas
摘要:In this article we pretend to review in detail the rock basins that appear in hillfort contexts. Our purpose will be to evaluate their possible religious function. Our interest will be focused on the Santa de Mariña de Masidehillfort (Ourense) where several rocks with rectangular holes and different types of shapes are found. We will try to find a typology on Iron Age places with a religious ritual function throughout the comparison with other similar sites.
关键词:Rocky sanctuaries;Rock basins;Iron Age;hillforts;Santa Mariña de Maside;Galicia;Santuarios rupestres;Pilas;Edad del Hierro;Castros;Santa Mariña de Maside;Galicia;Santuarios rupestres;Pías;Idade do Ferro;Castros;Santa Mariña de Maside;Galicia