出版社:Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas
摘要:Los ataques contra los misterios griegos que lanza Clemente de Alejandría en Protr. II 12-22 son una fuente principal de conocimiento de los cultos mistéricos, especialmente de Dioniso y Deméter. La idea errónea de que Clemente los conocía por propia experiencia ha impedido hasta ahora el estudio en profundidad de sus fuentes librescas: un tratado sobre los misterios que a su vez toma como base un poema órfico. Este estudio trata de establecer el contenido mitográfico y ritual del tratado y del poema; fija su origen y datación aproximados; e indaga las relaciones del texto clementino con otros testimonios helenísticos y tardoantiguos.↓The accusations against Greek mysteries made by Clement of Alexandria in Protr. II 12-22 are a main source for our knowledge of ancient mystery cults, specially those of Dionysus and Demeter. The mistaken assumption that Clement knew them through his own experience has hitherto prevented a thorough study of his bookish sources: a treatise on mysteries which is itself based on an Orphic poem. This paper aims to establish the mythographical and ritual contents of the treatise and the poem; it fixes their approximate origin and date of composition; and it examines the relations of Clement’s text with other evidence from Hellenistic Age and Late Antiquity.
其他摘要:The accusations against Greek mysteries made by Clement of Alexandria in Protr. II 12-22 are a main source for our knowledge of ancient mystery cults, specially those of Dionysus and Demeter. The mistaken assumption that Clement knew them through his own experience has hitherto prevented a thorough study of his bookish sources: a treatise on mysteries which is itself based on an Orphic poem. This paper aims to establish the mythographical and ritual contents of the treatise and the poem; it fixes their approximate origin and date of composition; and it examines the relations of Clement’s text with other evidence from Hellenistic Age and Late Antiquity.
关键词:Clemente de Alejandría; misterios; orfismo; Papiro de Gurob;Clement of Alexandria; mysteries; Orphism; Gurob Papyrus
其他关键词:Clement of Alexandria, mysteries, Orphism, Gurob Papyrus.