出版社:Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas
摘要:Following the analyses of the standardized mortality rates, that allows to eliminate the effect of age structure, the impact of mortality is directly appreciated and the evolution of the main causes of death in the 80+ population in Spain between 1975 and 2007, is described. Using the Short-List of Eurostat, causes of death have been divided into 17 broad groups. The article analyzes the decline of mortality caused by the fall of circulatory diseases, mainly the cerebrovascular ones, and to a lesser extent, the respiratory diseases, ill-defined diseases and external causes. Inversely, in the remaining thirteen groups the mortality has increased over such period particularly, the neoplasms, nervous system diseases and mental disorders. Important differences by gender have been found, being neoplasms and respiratory diseases much higher in men, which would explain the greater men oldest-old mortality in Spain.
关键词:mortality;causes of death;oldest-old;gender;Spain;mortalidad;causas de muerte;población anciana;género;España;mortalité;causes de dècés;anciens;genre;Espagne