摘要:The paper “Dust variations in the diffuse interstellar medium:
constraints on Milky Way dust from Planck-HFI obser-
vations” was published in A&A 577, A110 (2015). This
corrigendum corrects Table 1 of the paper, which lists the
elemental abundances and dust-to-gas mass ratios correspond-
ing to the dust models presented in Sect. 2.1. The mistake in
Table 1 was the inversion of the densities of aliphatic carbon
(1.3 gcm −3 ) and aromatic carbon (1.6 gcm −3 ) in our calcu-
lations. For the dust models presented in Sect. 4.2, where we
considered three different volume fractions of FeS in Fe inclu-
sions: 30%, 50%, or 100%, the correct abundances are 19.3 ppm
of Fe and 2.8 ppm of S, 16.5 ppm of Fe and 4.6 ppm of S, and
9.5 ppm of Fe and 9.5 ppm of S, respectively.