摘要:The study presented in this report is regarding on the conceptual design of the grater machine which meant to shred food wastes into small and fine size particle. This study will focus on the waste management factor of the food waste produced in the home kitchen. A study is conducted to compare the most suitable material and geometric shape of the grating blades by comparing with similar existing devices in the market. The chosen material and blade design are to be evaluated for its characteristics and performance by using the FEM method. The analysis is taking all the constraints regarding the design as well as its advantages are to be considered in designing a new grating blade for the optimum end product making. This design derived through in the consideration for the home application rather than domestic use. This brings the meaning that the compact and small size design. With the detailed evaluation of the stress reaction on the blades to provide the safety and sustainability factor of the device as well as the people that is using the device.