摘要:We explore quasi-periodic (QP) vibration-based energy harvesting (EH) in a forced nonlinear oscillator under time delay. The energy harvesting system consists in a delayed Duffing oscillator subject to harmonic excitation coupled to an electric circuit through an electromechanical coupling mechanism.We consider the case
of primary resonance for which the frequency of the excitation is near the natural frequency of the oscillator. Application of the double-step perturbation method enables the approximation of the amplitude of the QP vibrations used to extract the average powers from the harvester device. Results shown that for a small value of delay amplitude, the periodic vibration-based EH can be extracted in a narrow range near the resonance, while QP vibration-based EH can be extracted over broad ranges of excitation. For relatively increasing value of the delay amplitude, only QP vibration-based EH can be extracted.