摘要:This paper aims to assess the contribution of technology to economic growth convergence among coastal regions in the eastern part of Indonesia (KTI). Panel data spanning 1975-2002 are analyzed using Total Factor Productivity (TFP) catch-up model and Transfer of Technology model. The TFP model results show that the difference in technological level among the coastal regions in the KTI explains the slow speed of the TFP catch-up. When the difference in technology level disappears the TFP catch-up takes place at a faster rate thereby pushing income level convergence to occur among the coastal regions in the KTI. The results of the transfer of technology model show that a greater portion of the convergence comes from transfer of technology. If the technology difference disappears, the transfer of technology would be faster and speed up income convergence among the coastal regions in the KTI. Keywords: economic growth, eastern Indonesia, coastal regions