摘要:The quoted values of the growth rate a g for the Aquarius
haloesinFig.4ofBuist & Helmi(2014)aretoosmallbyafactor
log(10) ≈ 2. This growth rate stems from fitting the evolution of
the scale mass M s (t) and scale radius r s (t) with a model where
they grow as an exponential in redshift z
M s (z) ∝ exp
−2a g z
, (1)
r s (z) ∝ exp
a g /γ
, (2)
such that M s (t) and r s (t) are related by a power law with coef-
ficient γ. The quoted values of γ in the figure are correct. The
curves shown in the figure are not affected, nor are any other
figures in the article. A corrected version of Fig. 4 is shown in
Fig. 1.