摘要:Our reported mid-transit time T 0 contains a shift when compared
to other data sets. After checking our analysis we found an error
in the correction of the Kepler BJD times. In the original article
we wrote that our determined T 0 is given in BJD UTC . However,
this is only true for Kepler data up to release 19. For data re-
leases after this (data release 20/21 onwards), the reported times
in the Kepler data are correctly given in BJD TDB 1 . We checked
the Kepler data we used and confirm that all the Kepler data has
times in BJD TDB . Thus, our reported T 0 is in BJD TDB as well.
关键词:planetary systems;stars: individual: HAT-P-11;techniques: photometric;methods: data analysis;errata, addenda