标题:Contractivity of a genetic circuit with internal feedback and cell-to-cell communication * * This research was partially funded by grant FEDER-CICYT DPI2014-55276-C5-1-R. Yadira Boada thanks grant FPI/2013-3242 of the Universitat Politècnica de Valencia.
摘要:We consider a realistic model of the synthetic gene circuit combining cell-to-cell communication system via quorum sensing, and a synthetic repressible promoter implementing intracellular negative feedback control. The circuit has been shown to increase robustness with respect to both extrinsic and intrinsic noise elsewhere. As a first step towards an analytic analysis, in this paper we use contraction theory to perform a stability analysis. From it, we infer the components of the circuit most affecting the rate of contractivity, using biologically sensible values of the circuit parameters.