摘要:The purpose of the present study is to determine the elementary school 6th grades students’ epistemological beliefs. In the present study was employed qualitative research method. The sampling of the study consists of 155, 6th grade students. As a tool data collection open-ended question form developed by the researchers was used. The data were analyzed through descriptive and content analysis techniques. As a result of research; they stated that they decide whether a piece of information is scientific or not, and they make this decision based on the resources, its compliance with the stages of scientific research, and whether it is justified or not. They stated that they have access to scientific information by means of internet, encyclopedia and journal by using the stages of scientific research. They think that information elicited by scholars may not be necessarily correct. They stated that scientific information can be elicited not only by scholars but also by anyone. They stated that any information written in books may not be correct because some information is open to be discredited. Those who believe the correctness of information believe so as they think it correctness has been proved. They believe that the mysteries of the universe have not been solved thoroughly because the universe is infinite and the mysteries of extraterrestrial creatures and x particle have not been solved. They stated that the science cannot question everything because the one who knows everything is God; hence, something cannot be questioned by the science.