摘要:Abstract Background Internet Protocol (IP) is one of the Internet's addressing protocols that allow devices to link to each other. At present, the existing IPv4 protocol gradually been migrated to the new the protocol which is IPv6 to afford a larger address scale and to facilitate various improvements of the protocol. However, the organisation's readiness has been identified as one of reason lead the migration to be slower than it should. In our previous study, content analysis helps us to identify the component that may influence the readiness via several articles and journals. Thus, the factors can be categorized into two categories which are physical factors; IPv6 deployment (planning), equipment and cost, while human factors involve of knowledge, training and motivation. Therefore, by conducting on structured interview from several IT experts and practitioners, our aim is provide better understanding on the identified factors by analysing their experiences and view. Results upon data collected show that they agreed with the factors that have previously been identified from literature. Finally, the factors can be used to develop a Organisation Readiness Model for assessing the organisation's readiness towards IPv6 migration process.