摘要:Architectural form and space, from the very beginning of their creation, weren’t only elements reflecting mere act of building; as the act of human actions, they included proper symbolic presentation of a creator's perception of the world. The initial point is that each physical, therefore each architectural form, speaks volumes on more than just their purpose, so it can have symbolic meanings, being proved in history of architecture for such a long time. While observing architectural form, these two questions impose. The first question refers to identifying usable purpose of particular facility, in other words, its function. The second question imposes to identify what are the things that we are reminded of concerning that particular facility. This second question represents search for the meaning in each form that mankind instinctively longs to identify in order to comprehend the world we live in. No matter if we are in natural or building area, everything we are surrounded by has got specific forms recalling certain associations. The aim of this paper is to indicate that pictures appearing as a consequence of close forms and designs represent associations and they should not be compared to symbols. The goal of this research is to contribute to clearer seeing of symbolism of architectural form, in which situations it exists and whether it exists in contemporary architectural forms. This work is based on elements of Gestalt observation theory.