摘要:Many researchers considered the quality of management, but the definition of “quality control” in the literature is quite rare. The author’s definition of this concept, whose distinctive features are as follows: management is considered as a system, and its quality is determined by the quality of the elements of the system; management is of high quality, if not only provides function, but also the development of the facility; the quality of management is measured by customer satisfaction. The study authors of market relations in the sphere of housing and communal services helped to define the modern model of management of the industry of housing and communal services, which involves the preservation of state regulation and control and the bringing to market of private operators. Identified the need for further sustained efforts to implement the new economic relations in the system of housing and communal services at all levels of government, which requires further improvement of management. Based on the authors analysis of the methods of evaluation of activities of management companies found that despite their diversity they all have several disadvantages, the main of which is the lack of standard indicators by which to judge to what extent the housing managers of the organization implement the adopted programme. Therefore, the author proposes two sets of criteria (representing the result of control and management efficiency), which will be monitored and evaluated the quality management of the organization.